Donations - £1,080 up to May 2012
2012 May 03
Created by Gillian Kendrick 12 years ago
Sally Rustige, May 3rd 2012
We all still miss you Ads x
Mrs G Kendrick , March 14 2012
Donations made in lieu of presents on the occasion of Mrs Kendrick's parents Golden Wedding Anniversary.
Thank you to all who gave so generously and in memory of Adam.
Angela Brennan , December 23 2011
Donation from funds raised in memory of Adam.
From the Sweet Sale and Tombola, along with the Family's Day Sweet Stall at Radbroke Hall.
Thanks particularly to Kate Sword and to the whole of the Orders Team at Radbroke Hall.
Mr michael Hudson , December 31 2011
I only met adam the once at sheryl's birthday but thought what a great guy he was and was so sad & shocked to here he past away im sure he is looking over gill sheryl and all their friends and family and he will be rockingwith a glass or 2tonight takecare adam from big mike.
December 20 2011
Will miss you mate. B shift was never the the same without you.